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Todays guest speaker for the Youth Leadership breakfast was Maree Cables, Director/Franchisee of McDonalds Albury, Lavington, Wodonga, Birallee & Corowa. Maree shared her very diverse career journey with the students, starting her working life in office administration.

YouthLeadershipShe then traveled and worked abroad for a couple of years before taking up studies for nursing, she later, in her role as Assistant Director of Nursing at Burnie Base Hospital undertook a university course in Business Management which ultimately led her to her first franchise with McDonalds  The strongest message Maree gave to the students was to take every opportunity offered to them at school and to explore as many career pathways to help decide their individual goals and journey. Employing more than 500 staff across her stores, Maree spoke about the sort of job ready skills and personal attributes that she looks for in prospective employees applying for work. The students gained some very valuable first hand knowledge to consider their own work readiness.


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