Home / Special Announcements / Women in Defence – Careers


Today selected girls from our College and Wodonga Senior Secondary College went to the Albury Defence Headquarters for a Q&A session around all aspects of careers for women in the defence forces. The girls were able to hear the journey’s of two different women that are currently serving and were able to ask many questions about the careers available to them in the Defence Force.


Captain Camille Duggan spoke about her career paths, first in the Navy and then the Army. She has had a successful career travelling the world and doing a huge variety of jobs within the services, rising to the rank of Captain.

CPL Stella Anning has had 10 years in the force now as a musician in the army. She was also interested in fitness and qualified in that area with a number of proficiency’s. She went on to take part as a Ninja Warrior in the series. Her passion for music has enabled her to be an active member in the Army band.

Marg Benbow
Careers and Pathways


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