Home / Special Announcements / Camps Week Letter – 01/03/2022


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you are aware our camps week is in week 6 this term (9-11th March). The Department of Education and the Department of Health have clarified requirements of camps and there are some important differences to our mainstream school.

Prior to the camp:
It is expected that attending students and staff will follow the advice from the department and use a rapid antigen test. We require any student and teacher who has taken a test to test negative before departure.

A Symptomatic Student or Staff Member:

  • If a student or staff member becomes symptomatic while on camp (sore throat, cough etc.), then that student or staff member will immediately isolate (supervised). In the case where the student is the symptomatic person, the parents/guardians will be contacted as soon as possible and transport home will be negotiated with the parents. It is most likely that the parent will pick up their child unless there are extenuating circumstances. This is the same as our policy here at school, however the travelling distances will be significantly longer and we will be requiring the student to be transported home as soon as possible that day.

A COVID Positive Student or Staff Member:

  • If a student or staff member tests positive while on camp (using a rapid antigen test), then that student or staff member will immediately isolate (supervised). In the case where the student is the COVID positive person, the parents/guardians will be contacted to collect their child as soon as possible. This is the same as our policy here at school, however the travelling distances as these will be significantly longer and we will be requiring the student to be collected as soon as possible that day.

Household Contact Classification Requirements:

  • Due to the nature of the camp program, if we have a positive case on camp, then some students and staff may be considered as household contacts (more than 4 hours under the same roof). This may mean that the camp itinerary may need to change at short notice.
  • Any positive cases will be required to go home and travel will be negotiated with the parent/guardian.
  • A Teacher who tests positive will need to organise their transport home.
  • Students and staff may then be required to self-isolate at home for seven days and follow the usual health guidelines if your child returns a positive COVID result. All of the other COVID related requirements and processes that exist in our school also exist at the camp e.g., COVID Safe Policy, masks, student transport, testing, hygiene, social distancing etc.

If you have any concerns, contact the school on (02) 6057 9000.

Maree Cribbes
Campus Principal


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