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Dear Parents/Guardians,
Next year Wodonga Middle Years College will introduce a week-long camp/excursion program from Tuesday 12 – Friday 15 March 2019. The aim of the program is to enable students and staff to build quality relationships that will lead to better understanding, cooperation and appreciation.
Information is being distributed through CARE classes and House Assemblies.
- Over the coming week’s students in Year 7 & 8 will be presented an overview of the camp structure for next year. Students will then have an opportunity to discuss the camps week proposal with families prior to nominating their preferred camp/excursion.
- This nomination will assist the school in proceeding with bookings prior to students being asked to make a camp commitment in late Term 4 2018.
- Camp week dates 12 March – 15 March 2019
- Approximate camp costs list attached
- Students eligible for the Camps/Sport/Excursion funding (CSEF) will be able to use this to assist the payment of the camp.
Further information will be provided through the school Facebook page, Website and Student Asse 4mblies.
Yours sincerely,
Tim Bridgeman – Assistant Principal Huon Campus
Gary Hodge – Assistant Principal Felltimber Campus
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