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Keeping our kids safe Online – What to do if your child sees something online that is offensive

Talking to your kids about the sites they visit is important in helping protect them against the impact of viewing unsuitable content. Be aware of how they use the internet and discuss the sites and apps that are okay to explore and those that are not. You can teach your child strategies about how to deal with offensive material but be vigilant, especially if your child is prone to taking risks or is emotionally or psychologically vulnerable. You can support your child by:

  • Teaching them to leave or close the page immediately or minimise the screen if they are worried about the material they have seen (hit Control-Alt-Delete if the site does not allow you to exit)
  • Encouraging them to talk to a trusted adult if they have seen something online that makes them upset, disturbed or distressed
  • Reassuring them that access to the internet will not be denied if they report seeing inappropriate content
  • Reminding them not to open spam email or click on pop ups, prize offers or unfamiliar hyperlinks in websites
  • Telling them not to respond if they are sent something inappropriate
  • Keeping them connected to trusted friends and family online and offline.

Online safety is important for the whole family. Allowing your child to access online information is important, however it is recommended you monitor what your child is accessing and when. It is recommended that you regularly monitor what and when they access information. Open family areas within the family house work best for children accessing online information.

For more tips and FAQ’s please visit the eSafety Commissioner website on:


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