Home / Special Announcements / Continued Remote Learning 30-10


Dear parents, carers and staff
Our school has been advised of additional confirmed cases COVID-19 case within our community. I would like to again reassure you that we took immediate action as soon as we became aware of the situation and sought advice from the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Health.

At this stage, onsite learning will be available to vulnerable students and students of essential workers who are not Primary Close Contacts (PCC) at the Huon and Felltimber Campuses.

All other students from both campuses will continue with remote and flexible learning arrangements up to and including Wednesday, 3 November 2021.

A further communication will be sent to you if this arrangement is to continue, or alternatively, if we will return to onsite learning from Thursday, 4 November 2021.

We will contact or have already contacted you if you or your child has been identified as a primary close contact (PCC).

Information for students and staff identified as Primary Close Contacts (PCCs).
If you are contacted and advised that you or your child is a potential primary close contact, it is advised that you or your child get a COVID test and limit your/their movements outside of the home.
This means that, until you hear further from me or the Department of Health or a Local Public Health Unit

(DH/LPHU), you are advised to only leave home for brief periods for necessary activities, such as:
– exercise
– caregiving to family members when no alternative is available
– necessary medical appointments where no alternative is available (such as telehealth)
– shopping for necessary items, only where no one else in the household can perform this task and no alternative
is available (such as delivery).

The Department of Health or a Local Public Health Unit will then contact primary close contacts directly to interview them and advise if there are any changes to their primary close contact status. These calls or text messages can come from private or unknown numbers. Please answer these calls or follow text message advice if you receive a call or text message. If confirmed, Department of Health or a Local Public Health Unit will send an SMS to the PCCs advising them of their quarantine, testing and release dates (this may take some days).

Primary close contacts will no longer receive a clearance text message from the Department of Health to confirm their release from quarantine. For those who are undergoing 7 days of isolation, the return of a negative day 6 test is sufficient for release. For those who are undergoing 14 days of isolation, the return of a negative day 13 test is sufficient for release. The rest of your family does not need to stay at home at this stage.
If you or anyone in your family develops even the mildest of symptoms, please get tested.
If you have questions about what this means for our school, please call the Department of Education and Training COVID-19 hotline on 1800 338 663, available 8:30am to 5pm Monday through Friday, and 10am to 3pm Saturday and Sunday.

If you are concerned you have COVID-19 you can call the Department of Health COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

For school information in languages other than English, call TIS National on 131 450. Please ask them to call the DET COVID-19 hotline on 1800 338 663 and they will help interpret. For health advice in languages other than English, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au/translated-information-about-coronavirus-covid-19.
Thank you all of your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
Kind regards

Vern Hilditch
Executive Principal
Wodonga Middle Years College


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